Sunce, nikada ti bliže nismo bili,
Ogrij naše misli čudne, Sunce, iako ti nismo možda mili,
Naše su te oči željne, potpuno budne.
Osvijetli put kojim hodamo same,
Daj nam barem neki znak,
Sunce spasi nas od tame,
Ne dozvoli da ikada padne mrak.
Jer noći su nam nekada čudne,
Umorne ostajemo budne do kasno,
Gledamo kroz ogroman prozor,
Mnogo toga nam nije jasno.
Noći su nam zaista čudne,
Misli su nam uvijek lude budne,
Ne želimo ovo da ikome pričamo,
Noći su nam čudne, u noćima se stišamo.
Zato sunce, sijaj što jače možeš,
Učini ovaj dan još boljim,
Nemoj nikome da kažeš,
Ali kada tebe nema, svako se boji.
Sun, we were never this close to you,
Warm our weird thoughts, Sun, although you may never like us,
Our eyes are eager, wide awake.
Illuminate our path as we walk alone,
Give us some sign,
Sun, save us from the darkness,
Do not ever let it to be dark.
Because our nights are sometimes weird,
Tired, we stay awake untill late,
We look trough the big window,
Many things we do not understand.
The nights are really weird,
Our thoughts are always crazy and awake,
We don't want to talk about this to anyone,
Our nights are weird, in the nights we go quiet.
Therefore sun, shine as bright as you can,
Make this day even better,
Don't tell anyone,
But when you're not here, everyone is afraid.
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